Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Media and Technology in the Future

Where do I feel the media will be in five years? Unfortunately, I am unable to be as current in what has been going on in the world, but with the knowledge of the new leak on WikiLeaks, it seems as if media will begin to be more controlled. At the moment, the media seems to be out of control and running free with their ability to basically say whatever they want in any form, where someone will read it or hear it. Technology is so accessible to the common man that if you want to get some sort of information, you probably can. Google is basically the tell all browser where you can find anything you need, it will give you a link. Perhaps in five years, things will be different. Google may be under more supervision and certain websites may not be allowed to be posted. Bloggers could become censored. It is already like this in China, so it does not seem impossible that that amount of strict control could end up in the United States.

How about in fifteen years? So this is way more of speculation than anything else, but in fifteen years technology should be amazing. Each year something new comes out that outshines the previous model or anything outdated. Right now, people are basically connected 24/7, with the ability to have internet on their cellular phones. In fifteen years, with many advances in technology, people could really be connected all day, everyday; even when they are sleeping. Personally, that just freaks me out. It is strange when people have to be on their phone all of the time because of emails or for the feeling of being connected to multiple people at once. New ways to interact with technology will also be invented, like taking stereoscopic televisions to a new level, perhaps making the computer stereoscopic, just to have an out of body experience at all times. Technology takes awhile to develop and expand so I do not think fifteen years will be too outrageous, but definetly as time moves forward, technology will begin to take over our lives on a whole new level.

In fifty years? I do not know where to begin. I probably will not even care about what kind of technology is out there in fifty years. Hopefully, I will be retired by then. Even though I am in the computer animation major, technology is cool, but it is not something I care a lot about unless I am looking to buy something. Trying to speculate about fifty years I can not really think of it.